Father: [Not Available] |
Mother: [Not Available] |
12479[M532] Mentzior, Beatrice E |
Clan PDF|
No Children Found |
Supporting Documents: | Historical Notes:
- of Pierre Mentzior and Mary Klein
No image available! |
Born: Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA
1930-04-08Living at: 702 Fowler St, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA
Working as: Trained Nurse @ Hospital
1936-01-29Death at: maybe, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA Of Spouse: Gilbert L
1940-04-23Living at: 512 Rhey St, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA
Working as: Graduate Nurse @ Private Duty
Owned Property: 512 Rhey St, Waterloo, Blackhawk, IA $3000
2012-01-12::2013-01-12Assumed Dead: (112 year limit)