Father: Morsella, Carlo |
Mother: Liuzzi, Elisabetta |
22295[M624] Morsella, Angiola |
Clan PDF|
8 Children Found |
DiConcilus, Luciano Claudio |
With: DiConcilus, (unknown) |
DiConcilus, Achille |
With: DiConcilus, (unknown) |
Morsella, Maria |
With: (unknown), (unknown) |
Giardinetti, Amalia |
With: Giustiniani, Ales Fili Annun |
Giustiniani, Elisa |
With: Giustiniani, Ales Fili Annun |
Giustiniani, Maria Luisa |
With: Giustiniani, Ales Fili Annun |
Giustiniani, Maria Concetta |
With: Giustiniani, Ales Fili Annun |
Giustiniani, Michele Carlo |
With: Giustiniani, Ales Fili Annun |
Supporting Documents: | Historical Notes:
- Possible Conflation of two women (but no longer think so):
very old for later births; on 1848 birth I read 26 years old; [2020DEC01] 1845 age 24, 1846=27, 1848=26, 1849=30, 1856=36, 1858=50; Best guess: this IS one woman who fibbed on marriage; could be born in 1815/16 blackout, or could be Maria Giuseppa born 1820; later death records may provide a clue;
No image available! |
Born: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES
1845-02-09Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Luciano Claudio
1846-03-08Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Achille
1847-07-11Death (age 1) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Achille
1847-07-16Death (age 2) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Luciano Claudio
1848-02-22Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria
1849-10-15Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Amalia
1852-04-13Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Elisa
1854-03-14Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Luisa
1856-05-14Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Concetta
1860-01-10Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Michele Carlo
1864-09-14Death (age 4) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, ITALY Of Child: Michele Carlo
1920-01-12::1921-01-12Assumed Dead: (112 year limit)