Father: Palmieri, Francesco |
Mother: Pillo, Giovannangiola |
23095[P456] Palmieri, Serafina |
Clan PDF|
No Children Found |
Supporting Documents: | Historical Notes:
- birth based on age reported at death
- at death husband is Paolo Gentile
but no marr record found and no children found
No image available! |
Born: maybe, Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES
1815-01-01::1816-12-31Marriage: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES To: Gentile, Paolo based uponn no marr record found (blackout years)
1854-06-15Death at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Spouse: Paolo
1859-12-04Died: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES