Father: [Not Available] |
Mother: [Not Available] |
31617[F430] Falt, Carl Peter AKA: [C642] Carlsson, Carl Peter |
Clan PDF|
7 Children Found |
Warner, John Emil Felt |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Annette Sofia |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Hilma Victoria Charlotta |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Hilma Sofia |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Karl Gottfrid |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Martin Henry Ambrosius |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Falt, Gerda Victoria |
With: Larsdotter, Anna Sophia |
Supporting Documents: | Historical Notes:
- name is actually Falt - with umlaut over the a - means field
Origin of this non-patrinymic name remains to be determined.
No image available! |
1863-07-29Birth at: Oscarshamn, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: John Emil Felt
1866-01-21Birth at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Annette Sofia
1869-12-22Birth at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Hilma Victoria Charlotta
1871-10-21Death (age 5) at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Annette Sofia
1871-10-28Death (age 1) at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Hilma Victoria Charlotta
1873-02-25Birth at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Hilma Sofia
1875-10-21Birth at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Karl Gottfrid
1878-02-04Birth at: Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Martin Henry Ambrosius
1880-10-14Birth at: Oskarshamn, Kalmar, SWEDEN Of Child: Gerda Victoria
1922-10-18Died (age 89): Oscarshamm, Kalmar, SWEDEN COD: pylonephritis