Father: Marchione, Luigi |
Mother: DiCesare, Carmina |
4087[M625] Marchione, Maria Arcangiola |
Clan PDF|
9 Children Found |
Atterrato, Vittoria Lucia |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Paolo |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Giovanantonio |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Maria Lonarda |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Maria Leonarda |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Maria Felicia |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Gennaro |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Barbara |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Atterrato, Luigi Matteo |
With: Atterrato, Gaetano |
Supporting Documents: | Historical Notes:
- birth based on age reported at death
No image available! |
Born: maybe, Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES
1808-01-01::1809-06-30Marriage: maybe, Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES To: Atterrato, Gaetano based upon her age at death, 1st born, and no marr found.
1810-01-02Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Vittoria Lucia
1813-05-10Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Paolo
1818-06-23Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Giovanantonio
1821-05-04Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Lonarda
1821-11-19Death (age 0) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Lonarda
1822-11-28Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Leonarda
1825-11-21Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Felicia
1828-04-26Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Gennaro
1828-05-10Death (age 0) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Gennaro
1829-11-05Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Barbara
1833-09-09Birth at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Luigi Matteo
1839-09-07Death (age 13) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Felicia
1853-08-18Death (age 30) at: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES Of Child: Maria Leonarda
1859-08-02Died: Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Foggia, THE TWO SICILIES