Death record shows living at 3116 S. Pennsylvania in 1950. Also, shows her as a citizen of the USA! Cause of death was Cerebral Hemorage brought on by Malignant Hypertension and Arteriosclerosis. Also had Hypostatic Pneumonia. She was buried in Polish National.
Obituary in Milwaukee Journal, Thursday, June 15, 1950:
PIEKARSKI Joanna (ne Francikowski), aged 84 years, residence 3116 S. Pennsylvania Ave., beloved mother of Anna Swierczynski, John and Thaddeus Piekarski, mother-in-law of Joseph Swierczynski and Anita Piekarski, sister of Rose Francikowski, Mary Pia(t/l)ek, Susan Prudio, and Mary Francikowski. Also survived by grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services Sat at 8:30am from Bruskiewicz Funeral Home, 2101 W. Mitchell to Holy Name Church, S 11th and W Hayes at 9am. Internment Polish National Cemetary. In state Fri 1pm.