Anita Starczak reports that Anna had no parents in this country, but did have a brother John who died in "Little Sisters of the Poor" on Wells St.

1900 census shows emigration in 1892.

Obituary - Milwauke Sentinel - June 19, 1949:

Starczak, Anna, 128 W. Mitchell, aged 72, passed away June 16. Beloved mother of Anita Pekarske, Ann Trickler; 1 son-in-law John Pekarske; 5 grand children - Robert Pekarske, Phyllis Beisiegel, Ruth H/Bartz, Carol Pekarske, Betty Trickler; 3 great-grandchildren. Member of Immaculate Conception and Sacred Heart Societies. In state after 6pm. Funeral Monday 8:30am. Internment Holy Trinity.