Born in Agawam, Mass., Mr Enemon was a resident of Bridgeport for 23 years. He was employed as a chauffer until his retirement 2 years ago. He was a veteran of WWI and saw action in the Meuse Argonne offensive. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hattie Dorau Enemon; a son, Ernest E Enemon, both of Bridgeport.
Died: October 23, 1955
On Ernest's birth record, William's occupation is Mechanic. On his marriage record, occupation is Painter, and living New Britain.
On death: reson is Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease with Chirotic Portal. Showed veteran of WWI - US Army Demob Det, occupation Chauffer. Also shows birth on 8th instead of 6th of April.
WWI Roster:
Enemon, William J, 28 Butler St, Meriden, CT.
Ind NA Meriden, Conn, Dec 7/17.
Br Springfield, Mass, 26 8/12 yrs.
QMC Mec Rep Shop 304 to Jan 18/18;
Machine Shop Trk Unit Y Ft Sam Houston Tex tp March 11/18;
QMC Mec Rep Shop 304 to Apr 3/18;
Serv Park Unit 364 MTC to discharge.
Pvt 1cl Apr 19/18; Pvt 1cl Oct 14/18;
AEF July 15/18 to Aug 17/19.
Hon disch Aug 25/19.
Bridgeport directories:
1924: William J (Hattie), mechanic, 662 Noble, and later living 49 Cornwall
and working 54 Elm [Carrol Undertaker & Furniture Co.]
1925: William(Hattie), mech, 49 Cornwall, Stratford
1926: move to 120 Milne, Bridgeport
1927: William J (Hattie),,250 Madison
1928-31: William J (Hattie), chauffer, 224 Grove [In 31, Ernest shows up]
1932: no listing
1934-55: William & Hattie lived 1029 Hancock.
Ernest lived with them until married.
[1933] chauffer for Rupert Jacob @ 1026 North
[1934-37] no job
[1938-39] WPA
[1940] no job
[1941] Vought-Sikorsky
[1942-55] no job listed