Obituary of Ellen Reeve Cook
as published 28 DEC 1932 in SPDJ
Transcribed from microfilm found at Stevens Point Library
(before I learned to use their wonderful scanner)
Mrs. Alvin Cook of the town of Linwood. a resident of Stevens Point until recently, died at 11:50a, Tuesday at St. Michael's Hospital. She entered the hospital Monday suffering from bronchial trouble. . . . Mrs. Cook was born on Oct 12, 1849 in New York State. Her maiden name was Ellen Reeve. She married Mr. Cook in April 1889 in Rudolph. They lived in Stevens Point since that time with the exception of 2.5 years in Bowman, ND, and 2 years in Milwaukee. Surviving are her husband, a daughter Mrs. S. M. Ostness of Chicago, and one brother, W. N. Reeve of Kenosha. . . . buried in Linwood Cemetary.
Died: 27 DEC 1932