Google Translation (enhanced)

All relations and friends announce the sad message from my beloved husband and our father
Franciszek Piekarski
parted from this world in Friday evening at 10:30 after a long illness, having lived 44 years, 3 months, and 6 days. Deceased was born in Wiekszyczu Fr. Poznen. Leaves wife and 3 children. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 8 out of the house at 931 Grant Place, to the church of St. Jack (or St. Hyacinth), and hence the Polish cemetary.

On this sad ritual in August offers all the relations and friends in sorrow sunk, wife and family.

(By the "translator") Although there exists a town called Wiekszy in SE Poland, this would contradict other data suggesting a location nearer Gdansk/Bydgoszcz/Posnan. I therefore guess that "Wiekszyczu Fr. Pozn" is more adjective than noun and means something like "the greater Poznan area of father poland".

Informed opinions will be welcomed.