Apparently Ontario does not provide "non-certified" versions of marriage certificates for genealogical purposes on marriages conducted less than 80 years ago.

The date given was supplied by Doris Parks, and my knowlege supports the year. The location is a best guess by Doris. The parties themselves and remaining family have been non-responsive.

I also made contact with a priest sharing the Trusz surname in Hamilton, but he seemed unaware of any family connection and did not admit to performing the service.

The Toronto Public Library informed me that local newspapers did NOT report licenses issued, and since I have no reason to suspect that the couple had family in the area, I do not expect a newspaper report of the wedding.

I will welcome any assistance in this matter, but I will not be investing more resources in this research. (30JUN2016)

2020MAY05: subsequent contact with Marsha Parks Richards tends to support this info and adds that a second ceremony was later conducted in Memphis for family and friends to attend.