The family of Friedrich Willhelm Lindemann and Fridrike Louisa Schulz begins in Saatzig, a county in the area of the German Confederation that is called Pomerania. Saatzig is in blue towards the center bottom of this map of the Pomeranian counties.

The principal city in Saatzig is Stargard, and it is a good reference point in the maps that follow.

In 2016, Pomerania is a Province of Poland. The next map is from modern Poland, but you can still find Stargard and see the relative location of Moderow (Modzewo) to Stargard. If you have good eyes you may also find Repplin (Rzeplino) to the southeast of Stargard. Greifenhagen (Gryfino), where Louise was born, is off the map to the west - in the next county.

The next map is a period map showing the area around Stargard in more detail. You should find Repplin at the bottom - right of center. Moderow is off-map to the east. You may use Treptow (Trezbiatow) and Panzin (Pezino) as references.

The following reference shows that documents for Moderow are found in the Guntersberg church district.