When John and Eva Francikowski immigrated to the U.S. with their three oldest daughters, they settled in Green County, Wisconsin, in the town of Princeton. I have found no evidence that they ever left this homestead, and they both are buried there. For their eight children the story is different.

Between 1890 and 1900 all eight children had found their way to Milwaukee, and only Rose and Albert chose to return to Princeton.

1892 Milwaukee Directory

As seen above, by 1892 Frank and John, both still teenagers, had taken jobs and residences in Milwaukee. Jennie, Rose, and Mary were probably still in Princeton, as they were all single ladies in this year and are not listed in Milwaukee. It is harder to know where Helen was in 1892, as we do not yet know when she married Martin Gromowski, and a wife would not typically be listed (unless she had a job).

1893 Milwaukee Directory

In 1893 Frank continues to develop his career as a machinist. This year Jennie marries Frank Piekarski and takes residence in Milwaukee, but is not listed. John disappears this year, suggesting to me that his was a somewhat marginal existence - changing jobs and moving frequently.

1894 Milwaukee Directory

Again only Frank is listed - same job, same address, strange spelling of name.

1895 Milwaukee Directory

In 1895 John returns pursuing a career in woodwoorking. A new Francikowski - Anton - appears for the first time. Although Anton becomes a fixture in Milwaukee, I have not yet linked him to our family. I have included Martin Gromowski to show that he was alive this year, and that he was sharing residence with Frank Gromowski.

1896 Milwaukee Directory

Everyone disappears in 1896 and Helen becomes a widow and moves out of the Gromowski household. Remember her new address, you will see it again.

1897 Milwaukee Directory

In 1897 Frank returns, but at a new residence, and with his new bride Clara.

1898 Milwaukee Directory

John returns to a new residence with his new bride Mary Kalnoroska and is applying his woodworking skills to casketmaking. Albert and Rose have made their sorti into town and are boarding with sister Helen.

1899 Milwaukee Directory
1899 finds John succumbing to tuberculosis. Albert returns to Princeton, and Rose moves in with John's widow as Helen marries her second husband, Martin Jankowski.

1900 Milwaukee Directory

In 1900 Rose had returned to Princeton, leaving the Milwaukee dressmaking business to John's widow Mary. Frank has moved to new digs - perhaps in anticipation of their second child. Susan shows up in town at 444 Rogers. In the 1900 census, Martin and Helen Jankowski are living at this address. In the 1900 census, Susan is living next door at 446 Rogers. This is the residence of the Prudlo family, and sister Mary Piatek's family is also living here, as is Susan's future husband Michael Prudlo.

So by the end of 1900, John has passed, Rose and Albert have returned to Green County, Susan has met the man she will marry next year, and Helen, Jennie, Mary, and Frank have settled in to raise their families in the big city.