- 1942DEC12
- Enlisted @ New York City. (Military death info shows DEC 22, but ship muster rolls show DEC 12)
- 1943DEC09
- Reported to US Hornet (CV-12) from Norfolk, VA, rec sta.
[CV-12 was the 8th ship in the US Navy to bear the name Hornet.
CV-8, the previous one, was abandoned and scuttled due to damage received in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands (near Guadacanal). CV-12 was commissioned 1943NOV29, so Bike was a member of its initial crew!]
Bike's rank was F1c (Fireman 1st class) which meant he was part of the Engine Room Force.
Work in the Engine Room was considered more stenuous than work above decks, and an unrated F1c was paid at the same rate as
a rated Petty Officer 3rd class in other branches.
- 1944OCT01
- Promoted to Water Tender 3rd class (WT3c), which is a petty officer rating in the Engine Room Force.
(Paid equivalent to first class ratings in other areas.)
The work of a Water Tender appears to be the same as a Fireman or Stoker of the boilers.
- 1945AUG27
- Transferred off the Hornet at San Francisco, to appear for re-assignment at Norfolk.
Part of the flight deck of the Hornet had been collapsed in a typhoon and the ship had returned to San Francisco for repairs.
(Bike got married SEP 15, so probably en-route to Norfolk.)
- 1945NOV06
- Joined the crew of DD808, the Destroyer "Dennis J Buckley", at Norfolk. Rank remains WT3c.
- 1946MAR24
- Discharged from the Buckley at Saipan, in the Marianna Islands, for transfer to Great Lakes for discharge from the service.
- 1946MAR29
- Discharged from Navy at Great Lakes Naval Station in Illinois.