In the 1821-1829 household records for Stora Persmala we see the family of Carl Magnus Lundren:
![]() Stora Persmala (Greater Persmala) is a place in Madesjo Parish of Kalmar County.
Madesjo Parish covers much of the surround of the Nybro metropolitan area.
Persmala is east and a bit north of Nybro.
SEP 21, 1817, Carl Lundgren arrives in Madesjo from Halleberga (where he was born).
NOV 14, 1820, Carl Magnus Lundgren marries Cajsa Petrsdotter in Stora Persmala.
JUN 10, 1824, Christina Lundgren is born.
In the 1829-1840 household records for Persmala, the Lundgren family shows a new daughter, but NO wife!
MAY 24, 1831, Cajsa Petersdotter dies in Stora Persmala.
Oct 31, 1838, Anna Maria Lundgren leaves Stora Persmala. It is not clear where she goes.
Oct 30, 1839, Christina Lundgren leaves Stora Persmala for Resmo.
In the 1841-1850 household records for Norra Ljusas Carl is living with his new wife, Lena Mansdotter,
and two of her daughters from a previous marriage (Christina and Gustava Johansdotter).
There are also two new children with his new bride - Charlotta and Johan August.
It looks like the step-children leave home during this period.
In the 1841-1850 household records for Stora Persmala, we find Sophie Addino living with the Olaf Fager family.
I suspect that, with her mother dieing while she was newborn, her father placed her in a home that could better attend
her needs until he re-married.
It appears that she leaves during the period, and there is a note regarding her father (that needs translation).
However, I find no record of her re-joining her father in Ljusas.
In 1879, Carl dies in Ljusas Norra.
Cristina arrives in Rapplinge from Carlskrona.