The children of Maria Iosa, of Casalvecchio, were born too early to have civil birth records on file with LDS. However, they do have marriage records which include an approximate age and parental names.

We have found three children claiming Maria Iosa as mother, and with ages in reasonable sequence for siblings. Two of the children, Rachela and Carolina, have no father listed on the marriage records. On these marriage records the name of the children is Esposito. While Esposito is a common name accross Italy, and especially around nearby Naples, Esposito is also an Italian expression suggesting "born out of wedlock".

There exists a puzzling gap between the marriage of Rachela Esposito to Leonardo Beccia in 1831, and the birth of Giuseppe in 1849! If one searches just for children of Leonardo Beccia, you find a whole series with Rachela DeLuca, that fill the gap. Both this Leonardo and our Leonardo are too old to leave a birth or marriage record, so it is hard to establish that they are one and the same.

However, there is one more child claiming Maria Iosa as mother, and that child - Vittoria DeLuca - does have a father named: Gaetano DeLuca. I think that DeLuca was Maria Iosa'a married name. I also think that Rachela Esposito and Rachela DeLuca are one and the same, and that she use the DeLuca name when living in Casalvecchio (with her mother), and the name Esposito (her legal name) when living in Casalnuovo. Until further evidence becomes available, I am recording the births using this assumption.