As reported in the other documetation of Jacob and Rose, they have left a faint trail. I can find no census references. I have found no death records. I have found no immigration record. Other than the oral report from Victoria Jacobson, I have only the Bridgeport city directories to corroborate her stories. I do find evidence of them in the city directories. Around 1926 they "remove to Stratford", and in 1929 a Rose returns to the general neighborhood in Bridgeport. From 1930 on - no more references in directories.

I can imagine several scenarios fitting this data:

  1. The couple reverted to another surname and lived on.
  2. Jacob died in Stratford (or returned to Turkey), and Rose returned to Bridgeport and remarried.
  3. 1929 Rose was not ours, and our Rose evolved from Stratford under the radar.
In any event, I have decided that pursuit is not cost effective at this time and so further study will be relegated to Brick Wall status. A small reward for any help with this research.

[NOTE: I am intriqued by the use of alternate names by John Jacobson during the 1920s, and by the co-incidence of his return to the Jacobson name and the disappearance of Jacob and Rose. Could there have been some bad blood that was remedied after 1929?]