Pekarske + Jacobson Family Wedding Photo (1979)
(l-r)Dan, Dean, Grandma Parente, Bob and Elaine, Doug, and David Jr

SEP 1980

Pekarske + Parks marry

Pekarske + Parks Wedding Families 1968
(Ralph and Doris Parks on left; Bob and Shirley Pekarske on right)

Nicole at Shiloh APR1980

3 generations: Mom, Bob, and Nicole JUN1980

Robert Jay Pekarske
(portrait by Elaine Enemon Pekarske)

FULL PAGE: Divorce - Pekarske + Parks

Three Generations in Tucson (1988)

Bob Pekarske graduates UW-Madison 1968

Robert Jay Pekarske 1968

Robert Jay Pekarske

Elaine Jacobson Family 1999
(back l-r)Gigi and Doug holding twins, Terry holding Max, Grandma, and Elaine
(front l-r)Daniel, April, young Doug, and Bob

Bob c1955

Pekarske family c1955

Bob Pekarske, Johann Janssen, Malcolm Janssen, and Roy Pekarske

Bob and Elaine Enemon Jacobson Pekarske (2013)

Bob Pekarske 1964

Only known image of Bob smiling - Photoshop suspected
(60th birthday - 2006)

Bob and Elaine Pekarske c1980

Robert Jay Pekarske (2013)

Bob, Joan, and Roy Pekarske at Nora`s wedding (2013)

Bob Pekarske in St Josephs yearbook c1972

Bob as Prince Charming in
Muskego HS One Act Competition Play
"Cinderella Married"
(we won an "A" at state)

TSPS 10.2 (remote DB) First Non-Penalty Site
Denver, CO c1982