Carol Pekarske 1968

Kathy and Marsha Parks with Carol Pekarske 1968

Carol LeClaire (obit photo)

Carol Pekarske

Carol Pekarske

Carol Pekarske LeClaire 1954

LeClaire + Pekarske Wedding 1954
(l-r)Robert Pekarske, William Le Claire, Carol Pekarske LeClaire, John LeClaire, Phyllis Pekarske Beisiegel, Robert (Bike) Beisiegel

Altho annotation is strange and incomplete,
I think this is the full Pekarske Clan in one image
(l-r)Carol, Joan, Anita, Robert, John, and Phyllis c1935 (2-side)

The John Pekarske Family in one image c1935
(l-r)Carol, Joan, Anita, Robert, John, and Phyllis

(left) Joan Pekarske
(right) Carol Pekarske